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General School Information

Lakeway Elementary School

1701 Lohman’s Crossing Road, Austin, Texas 78734
Phone: (512) 533-6350   Fax: (512) 533-6351

Linda Rawlings, Principal

School Hours 7:40am - 3:00 pm; Tardy bell 7:45 am. Early release 11:40am.

School Motto: "Leading the Way toward Excellence."

Total Enrollment: 519


Lakeway Elementary strives to create a positive learning environment geared to meet the needs of students, teachers, and the community. Students are expected to gain self-esteem, problem solving skills and leadership qualities, and to develop a team player attitude as they acquire a life-long desire to learn. Teachers, school staff, parents and community encourage students to meet high expectations for learning and behavior. Language arts, reading, writing, math, science and social studies are integrated through a unit approach. Social skills and character education, including behavioral expectations, are taught daily.  Students are expected to make good decisions for their learning and behavior based on what they are taught. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) is built into the daily schedule to help establish a lifelong love of reading.  A reading teacher is available to offer help as needed.  In the library, students learn to enjoy literature, use the library and develop research skills.

Student Recognition

  • Perfect Attendance - End of Year
  • Academic/Citizenship Awards - End of Year
  • Good Office Visits - Daily

Special Area Classes

On a rotating basis, the campus offers art, music, and physical education.

Support Programs

Lakeway Elementary offers the following support programs:  Resource, Learning Lab, Content Mastery, Speech, Special Education, Discovery (Gifted and Talented Program), counseling, health services, UIL academics, after-school extended care, tutorials (Grades 2-5) and community education classes.

Grading System

Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students receive a learning profile reflecting the growth of the child in areas of cognitive and social development.  Grades Three, Four and Five students receive numerical grades in: Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Letter grades are given to all students in PE, Art, and Music.

Opportunities for Student Service

Student Council (Grades 3-5), Recycling, Kinder Buddies (Kindergarten and Grade 5), Kardivas Girls Club