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Withdrawal Procedures

Withdrawal During the School Year

  • A student may be withdrawn only by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Notice from the parent/guardian should be given at least 3 days in advance so that records and documents may be prepared.
  • The parent/guardian may obtain a withdrawal form from the registrar's office.
  • Textbooks and all library books must be turned in and cleared of fines, lunch charges must be cleared, and any other fines or fees must be paid prior to withdrawal of the student.
  • The student should leave a forwarding address with the registrar.

Any parent home schooling a student will need to write a letter to the Superintendent's office with a copy to the Principal stating that he/she is home schooling.

  • This written notice should be completed prior to withdrawal.

Moving to another residence OUTSIDE of the District?

If you are moving OUTSIDE of the Lake Travis Independent School District, please submit the withdrawal form and turn it in to the front office. This form will ensure that your student's records will be sent to their new school, upon request from the school.

Moving to another residence WITHIN the District?

If you are moving to another LTISD school, please contact your current campus registrar. You will need to provide your new school with your new proof of residence within the district. Your student's files/records will automatically be transferred to your new school.


Lake Travis ISD allows a few limited exceptions for student transfers to be approved. District Board policy establishes that transfer requests are granted for one year at a time. If you intend to pursue a transfer and are not an employee of LTISD, please email or call (512) 533-6030. 

For more information on student transfers, please refer to School Board Policy FD (LOCAL)FDA (LOCAL)FDB (LEGAL), and FDB (LOCAL).


Intent to Withdraw Form