Research Databases
Read-along books paired with short videos:
Animals & Nature, Earth & Sky, People & Places, ABCs & 123s, Family & Community, Music & Rhyme, Adventure, Celebrations, Imagination
Activities: Word Match, Fact or Fiction, Which Came First?, Explore the Web, Meet the Creators
- Read-along can be turned on or off
- Spanish can be turned on or off.
- Highlighted vocabulary with pop-up definitions
Short educational videos starring Tim & Moby
Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Arts & Music, Health, Engineering & Technology
Activities: Movie, Quiz, Game, Make-a-Map, Worksheet, Vocabulary, Creative Coding, Graphic Organizer, Related Reading
- Closed Captioning
- Speed Control
Online encyclopedia
- Print and email buttons on articles
- Citations embedded
- Articles can be translated to other languages
- Click on any word for pop-up definition & Spanish equivalent
- Read aloud option
- Toggle between levels
- Save articles to Google Drive (in folder called Britannica)
- Can set up My Britannica account for extra features
- Control font size
- TEKS alignments available on Educator Tab
- Print and email buttons on articles
- Citations embedded
- Articles can be translated to other languages
- Read aloud
- Toggle between levels
- Save articles to Google Drive
- Can set up My Britannica account for extra features
Magazines, news, and books on all subjects and current events.
Offers Quick Facts Sheets, links to book articles, news articles, magazines, videos under 5 minutes, ebooks, and pictures. It also offers a list of related topics.
Visit Gale in Context Elementary
- Sound off/Sound on (for read aloud) with adjustable speed
- Translatable
- Citations included
- Compatible with Google apps
- Articles color coded by level: Green (up to 500L), lt. blue (501-850L), dk. blue (851-1100L), purple (1101-1300L), red (1301+L)
- Integrated with Schoology
- Click on any word for a pop-up box that will highlight, take notes, or give a definition
- Advanced Search searchable by content type, document type, content level, Lexile
Videos, Audio Files, and Interactive Lessons Videos, Audio Files, Learning Songs, Maps & Flags, and Interactive Lessons |
- Video transcripts available
- Downloadable & sharable
- Citations included
- Segments can be clipped/saved
- Closed captions
- Advanced search
Fun and Useful Science/Social Studies
Science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space.
Pictures, videos, books, and magazines, Weird But True.
- "Listen" read-aloud option
- Citations included
- Printable
- Searchable within the title you are looking at
- Bookmark feature gives you a direct link to your content
Articles for K-5
Animals, Science, Biographies, Social Studies, Dinosaurs, and Health
Includes videos/maps, games, question of the day, activities
PebbleGo Next:
Articles on States, Science, American Indian History, Social Studies, and Biographies
- Read aloud option
- Citation included
- Printable
- Highlighted vocabulary with pop-up definitions
Research Topics and Non-Fiction Books
Research Topics: Animals, Social Issues (& Political Cartoons), Geography, People
Book Categories: Animals, Arts/Humanities, Biographies, Environment, Health, History/Government, Science (which includes Math), Sports, Technology
- Lexiles included
- Downloadable
- Can be printed or emailed
- Savable to Google Drive
- Citations included
- Able to be printed/emailed
- Translation available
- "Listen" read-aloud option with adjustable speed
- Educator Links include Curriculum connections & Lib Guide scavenger hunts
Multimedia Resources About Children's Literature
Lesson Resources, Author Interviews, Reader's Advisory, Book Readings, Book Trailers, Vocabulary Lists, Reader's Theater Scripts, Etc.
- Sharable (when shared, other users don't have to login to TeachingBooks.)
- Users can create reading lists
- Printable resources
- Educator Login can be created to enable teachers to make lists and lessons.
- Filters allow you to search books by level, genre, etc. (You can even filter to find complete readings/audiobooks.)
- Discover Like Books button to find similar books
- Closed captions on ideos can be translated
Paired Books/Videos on Social Studies and Science Topics
Social Studies: American Indians, Ancient Civilizations, Biography, Civil War, Continents, 13 Colonies, US Government, US Regions, Westward Expansion.
Science: Animal Kingdom, Disasters, Earth Science, Ecosystems, Experiments, Extreme Nature, Extreme Science, Health, Human Body, Outer Space, Physical Science, Solar System.
- Closed captioning on videos
- "Read to Me" read-aloud option
- Highlighted vocabulary with pop-up definitions
Online encyclopedia
Includes encyclopedia, Dramatic Learning (reader's theater scripts), Spanish resources, and timelines
In the kids' encyclopedia, it includes games, maps, activities, pictures/videos, science projects, dictionary, etc.
- 3 levels: kids, students, advanced
- Savable
- Sharable
- Printable
- Citations included
- Translation feature
- Read-aloud option
- TEKS standards included
- Text size can be adjusted